2024-2025 Season

Photo Contest Entry deadline is March 12th 2025

Check our schedule page for 2024-2025 events and Programs for the Fall and Winter
Click for Latest News.

Pat Goldberg's Photography Workshops
Inprove your Photography Skills Click for Information

Always check out our Facebook and Youtube pages

Photo: Brown Pelicans - J Mike Kell


Pasco Audubon

"1,000 Eastern Blue Birds
Have been recorded as fledged, (left the nest) since
our monitoring program began in 2012.
Thanks to the many people who have given time
to monitor boxes and those who have donated
to our Eastern Blue Bird Project."

EBB Page

National Audubon Society

"To our elected leaders
Birds are telling us there is no time to lose for bold,
equitable and durable action on climate."
National Audubon Society

Vote 2026

Jay B. Starkey Park
Bird Blind

The Bird Blind on Grassy Lake,
A West Pasco Audubon Project
with major funding by Duke Energy Foundation
working together to build a better community through conservation and education

Final Bird Blind Study Report is online.

More info
Photo by Casey Cumley of SWFWMD

About US

A Florida chapter of the National Audubon Society
Founded by Wm Wolfarth 1966

"Working together to preserve and protect our ecosystems through our joy in watching birds."

The members of the Pasco Audubon believe that protecting and conserving nature and the environment transcends political, cultural, and social boundaries. We also believe that the inclusion of people from all backgrounds, lifestyles, and ethnicities will enhance our ability to conserve habitat and wildlife for future generations. We resolve that these principles will guide our future activities and outreach.

Programs are scheduled the first Saturday of the month at:

Starkey Environmental
Education Building
J. B. Starkey Wilderness Park
New Port Richey, FL 34655

Educational Programs start at 11:00 AM

Education Center
Starkey Environmental Education Center

Our Feathered Friends


Roseate Spoonbill

Roseate Spoonbill

Status: Vulnerable to habitat loss.

An uncommon to common wader pink body and Spoon shaped bill. Forages in shallow with muddy bottom , both salt and fresh water.

more info


Tricolor Heron

Tri Color Heron

Status: Threatened Habitat loss

Wader feeds in shallow water. Medium size wader. Blue gray with white stripe under side of neck and breast. Yellow bill and legs.

Main threat: Loss of shallow water ponds. Developements buldoze the land flat and make steep sided retention ponds that are not wildlife friendly.

more info


Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron

Status: Threatened

Recovering from near extinction in late 1800's. This wader feeds in shallow water. Dark Bluegray color with yellow green legs and blue bill

more info