Nest ID: PD01
Nest Location: Tarser Ln
Nest GPS Location: 281343.13N 824044.77W elev 6m
Box Type: Peterson Nipper Design - PCV Post
Facing Direction: E
Date installed: April 12 2014
Date Last Cleaned: 04/12/2014
Needs Attention N -
Fledges: 2015 Season 5 BlueBirds,
Bluebird Nestbox Report
Reporter name:_______Peter Day________________________
Location ID:_____PD01_______________
Status: Active Yes _X_ No __
Bluebird _X__; Other __________________________________________
Needs attention/cleaning Yes_ No_X_
Other Notes______ Two youngsters have just hatched of 5 eggs ___
Bluebird Nestbox Report
Reporter name:_______Peter Day________________________
Location ID:_____PD01_______________
Status: Active Yes _X_ No __
Bluebird _X__; Other __________________________________________
Needs attention/cleaning Yes_ No_X_
Other Notes______On Thursday May 28 we had two chicks in the nest box, the survivors of the 5 eggs of the second batch. On Saturday May 30 the nest was empty, and unlike the first batch. there has been no sign of the two juveniles that must have fledged. From then on we have seen attempts by a male House Sparrow to occupy the empty nest box but each time it has been repulsed by the adult Blue Birds. On Wednesday June 3 I looked in the box after the female BB had been in it for 26 minutes and found two eggs. This morning, June 5, there are three eggs in this third batch! ___
Bluebird Nestbox Report
Reporter name:_______Peter Day________________________
Location ID:_____PD01_______________
Status: Active Yes _X_ No __
Bluebird _X__; Other __________________________________________
Needs attention/cleaning Yes_ No_X_
Other Notes______ Three youngsters fledged today from the box behind our house. We watched them fly, one at a time, up into a tree over a period of about 40 minutes after 5 pm. ___
Bluebird Nestbox Report
Reporter name:_______Peter Day________________________
Location ID:_____PD01_______________
Status: Active Yes _X_ No __
Bluebird _X__; Other __________________________________________
Needs attention/cleaning Yes_ No_X_
Other Notes______ Our box has four chicks that are now quite large and well on with feathers. ___
Bluebird Nestbox Report
Reporter name:_______Peter Day________________________
Location ID:_____PD01_______________
Status: Active Yes _X_ No __
Bluebird _X__; Other __________________________________________
Needs attention/cleaning Yes_ No_X_
Other Notes______ Nest with 3 eggs ___
Bluebird Nestbox Report
Reporter name:_______Peter Day________________________
Location ID:_____PD01_______________
Status: Active Yes _X_ No __
Bluebird _X__; Other __________________________________________
Needs attention/cleaning Yes_ No_X_
Other Notes______ Nest with 3 eggs ___
Bluebird Nestbox Report
Reporter name:_______Peter Day________________________
Location ID:_____PD01_______________
Status: Active Yes _X_ No __
Bluebird _X__; Other __________________________________________
Needs attention/cleaning Yes_ No_X_
Other Notes______Installed April 2014_____