2020 Photography Contest Entries
We had 45 entries and that gave our two judges a challenging experience deciding on the winners.
Starkey Water Lilly #13 is winner of Starkey Park Award and
Pileated Woodpecker #45 is the People's Choice Award
2020 Entries
Copyrights belong to the original photographers
Osprey Head #001
by Roy Lockwood
Eyes on You #002
by Roy Lockwood
Sandwich Tern #003
Highly Commended - by Roy Lockwood
On the Beach #004
Winner: 1st Place Catagory Birds by Hal Sigurdsson
Firecracker Ruby #005
by Hal Sigurdsson
Cuban Tree Frog #006
by Hal Sigurdsson
Florida White on Lantana #007
by DS Damm
11 X 14 print matted for 16 X 20 frame $45
Garden Racer Surprise #008
Winner: Best in Show by DS Damm
11 X 14 print matted for 16 X 20 frame $45
Yellow Waterlilly #009
by DS Damm
11 X 14 print matted for 16 X 20 frame $45
Green Heron #010
by J Mike Kell
Welcome #011
by J Mike Kell
Concentration #012
by J Mike Kell
Starkey Water Lily #013
Winner of Starkey Park Award by Ruth Preston
Night Heron with Morning Snack #014
by Ruth Preston
Owlette #015
by Ruth Preston
Little Blue #016
by Gail Diederich
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher #017
by Gail Diederich
Barred Owl #018
by Gail Diederich
Royal Splash #019
by Steve Spenceley
String Lily #020
by Steve Spenceley
Tricolored Reflection #021
by Steve Spenceley
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly #022
Winner: 1st Place Catagory Other Wildlife by Nancy Bell
Great Egret Breeding Display #023
by Nancy Bell
Marbled Godwit with Open Bill #024
(our naturalist judge’s top pick) by Nancy Bell
Into the Light #025
Winner: 3rd Place Catagory Other Wildlife by Gail Norwood
Bath Time #026
by Gail Norwood
In Morning Light #027
by Gail Norwood
Anhinga in Bloom #028
by Lyn Rodger
Anhinga Tangles #029
by Lyn Rodger
Great Egret Display #030
by Lyn Rodger
Tern Pair #031
by Mary Ellen Gotto
Tufted Titmouse #032
by Mary Ellen Gotto
Water Lillies #033
Winner: 2nd Place Catagory Other Wildlife by Frank Gotto
Feather Display #034
Winner: 2nd Place Catagory Birds by Nancy Harste
Skimmer Babies #035
by Chuck Bell
Wood Stork #036
by Chuck Bell
Fish Crow #037
Winner: 3rd Place Catagory Birds by Chuck Bell
Group Bonding #038
by Steve Beer
Tranquilty #039
by Steve Beer
Watching as Far As the Eyes can See #040
by Pat Misajet
Ever Watchful #041
by Pat Misajet
Whoo are you Looking at? #042
by Pat Misajet
Eagle #043
by Kim Rexroat
Sand Hill Crane Colt #044
by Kim Rexroat
Pileated Woodpeckers #045
Winner of the People's Choice Award by Kim Rexroat
With sincere thanks for your participation during this challenging time,
Christine Rowland
President West Pasco Audubon
West Pasco Audubon Society
P.O. Box 1456
Elfers, Florida 34680